2020 Àrd Prothaid Online Iomairt làimhe Game


1. More Than 50+ Brilliant Game

2. High Profit Gambling Game & Share Online Grand Jackpot

3. 10000+ Players Are Online at The Same Time

4. High Quality Graphics Game Characters on Your Phone

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Your Favorite Casino Games — On the Go!
We know you love the traditional fish game tables found at your favorite arcade. But what if we told you, you could have access to your favorite fish table games right from your mobile device? Talk about convenient, non-stop fun! The V-power App offers an innovative approach to accessing fish/slot games anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re an avid fish/slot game player or you own a fish/slot game table at your place of business, we believe you’ll love the convenience of downloading our app to play at home or to offer your arcade guests a different way to play their favorite games.



The V-power App was created to provide players with the same interactive and engaging experience they would get from playing their favorite fish games at a local arcade, only with the added convenience of being able to play anytime, anywhere. The V-power App can be downloaded on both IOS and Android devices. Play from your phone or tablet whenever you’re in the mood for friendly competition with other online users and show off your skills to earn rewards!



How To Download

Step 1: Open our website (https://www.vmight.xyz/#/download/index) with the internet browser on your mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android).

IOS Devices:
Tap the button in the top right corner that says “DOWNLOAD”
Select the “click install” button.
Tap “install.”
Go to your phone’s settings and open “Device Management.”
Select Shenzhen Foresight and choose “Trust.”

Android Devices:
Click the button in the top right corner “DOWNLOAD”
Install V-power.apk.

Step 2: Open the V-power App on your mobile device and input your user ID and password to log in.

Step 3: Enjoy playing your favorite games on the go with V-power App!



Q: An urrainn dhomh mo bhòrd geama fhèin a leasachadh tro TAS?
A: Faodaidh tu! Bidh TAS a ’tabhann seirbheisean leasachaidh. Dìreach thoir dhuinn do bheachdan agus is urrainn dhuinn na feumalachdan agad a choileanadh. Tha meudan òrduigh as ìsle co-cheangailte ri roghainnean leasachaidh. Cuir fios thugainn airson prìsean agus loidhne-tìm co-cheangailte ri leasachadh a ’gheama gambling.

Q: Dè a th ’ann am barantas an toraidh agad?
A: Tha sinn a 'seasamh air cùl an càileachd ar bathar agus thèid a chàradh no an àite bathar sam bith a tha a-lochdach a sgàth-dèanamh uireasbhaidh. Nuair fios gu teicnigeach taic le barantas ceistean, thoir an àireamh sreatha a 'bhathar sin is urrainn dhuinn a dhearbhadh latha a cheannach. The Game Bùird: 12 mhìos barantas o latha a cheannach.

Q: Am faod an PCB bòrd fàilligeadh a bhith a 'càradh? Dè cho fada 'bheir e gus fhaighinn a chàradh agus cosgais a dh'fheumar?
A: Ma tha e taobh a-staigh Ùine a 'Bharantais agus am milleadh air sgàth neo-factaran daonna, an uair sin tha e fhathast airidh airson barantas buannachdan. Ma tha e barrachd na an ùine a 'bharantais, leigidh sinn fios dhut airson na cosgais a dh'fheumar airson càradh agus cumail suas cho luath sa ghabhas. Thoir dhuinn 3-7 làithean-obrach gu bheil e a 'càradh (ach a-mhàin luingeis ùine).

Q: Ciamar a gheibh sinn fuasgladh ma tha sinn soirbheachail nach urrainn dhut a stàladh air a 'bhòrd agus a' tighinn tarsainn air cùisean teicnigeach?
A: Faodaidh tu sùil a thoirt air leabhar-làimhe toraidh dùinte agus stiùireadh uèiridh nuair a cheannaicheas tu. Bheir sinn seachad taic air-loidhne ma tha sin riatanach.

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