Peix Joc de Tirs Ocean Programari Rei 3 A més Fúria de Barbanegra


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High Profit Fish Shooting Game Software

Configurar-se com un joc de 2 a 10 jugadors

Gràfics 3D d'alta qualitat amb més caràcters de peixos

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Etiquetes de producte

Fish Shooting Game Software King Ocean 3 Pàglus Blackbeard’s Fury

How to Play Fish Shooting Game Software Ocean King 3 A més Fúria de Barbanegra

Peix Joc de Tirs Ocean Programari Rei 3 Plus Blackbeard’s Fury is a fishing game that allows up to 10 players to hunt for fish. Players can join in the Fish Shooting Game Software Ocean King 3 Plus Blackbeard’s Fury fun at any time there is an open player panel. The player controls include a joystick to aim their guns at the various fish on the screen. The “Choose Weapon” button allows the player to choose what kind of weapon to use to catch the fish. The higher the point value will increase the weapons strength allowing the player to catch more fish. There are five different types of Crabs that will either increase the number of fish caught or will give the player bonus points. There are plenty of bonus rounds and features that keep everyone hunting.


The features in Fish Shooting Game Software Ocean King 3 Plus Blackbeard’s Fury include:

Blackbeard’s Ghost Ship – Cap

When a player catches Blackbeard’s Ghost Ship swarms of Ghost Ships will sail across to catch everything on the screen.

Poseidon – Boss

When the Poseidon is caught several waves of Poseidon attacks will help the player catch as many fish as possible.

Tresors d'or & Tempesta de foc

Bombes ràpides & Cranc de làser

Cadena de llamps & Cranc de ruleta

Cranc súper bomba & Tro de Drac

Peix Vòrtex & Perforant Cranc

Descripció del joc
Fish Shooting Game Software King Ocean 3 Pàglus Blackbeard’s Fury:
As the latest release in the Ocean King 3 Plus series, you can count on this fish arcade game to provide your patrons with hours of intense competition. The game features new characters, new challenges, and plenty of addictive, skill-based gameplay. Players can join the action any time there is an open panel and they can choose the weapon of their choice to catch fish. What’s more, there are numerous bonus rounds and features that will keep gamers’ interest. This game can be configured as a 2~10 person game, enabling you to customize it to suit the needs of your game room or other fine establishment.



R&D Elffice

Joc de caça de peixos Llista

Embalatge & Lliurament

Hora d'entrega : 3 dies mitjançant DHL

El nostre avantatge

1. More than 15years experience in game softwareR&D i fabricació.
2. Hem servit durant més de 500 centres de joc a sobre 150 països.
3.Customized game program with high holding profit.
4. La nostra empresa proporciona una àmplia oferta, Servei postvenda eficient i oportú a tots els nostres clients per assegurar-se que els nostres clients compren sense preocupacions i utilitzen sense queixes.

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