Báaxal kaaye' Gambling Ocean King 3 Plus Buffalo Thunder


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High Profit Fish Game Gambling with Holding 5%~50%

Yaantal configurado bey jump'éel báaxal 2 u 10 aj báaxalo'ob

Gráficos 3D u ka'anal calidad yéetel asab personajes kayo'ob

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How to Play Fish Game Gambling Ocean King 3 Plus Buffalo Thunder

U cháak le u le aj báaxalo'ob usen u armas yéetel u óoxp'éel ajustes - normal, acelerado ka apuntar ti' le ba'ax ku kaxtik - utia'al u chukik tantos kayo'ob je'el bixake' páajtal ichil le marco k'iin k'áak'..

In Fish Game Gambling Ocean King 3 Plus Buffalo Thunder there are different fishes to catch, tuláakal le ju'unil valen jejeláas uts' k'ajóolilo'obo' u ti'its. Le aj báaxalo'ob aumentan u puntuaciones ti'its tuméen le meyaj ku yéetel le je'o' le kayo'ob capturan ichil le juegos.

The main Ocean King Plus: Buffalo Thunder gameplay is layered with features and mini games. Lelo'oba' ku importantes u biilankiltej, ts'o'ok u ts'aik u le aj báaxalo'ob jump'éel asab oportunidad u náajaltik asab ti'its yéetel u tu ka'atéen, le potencial ku náajaltik asab ganancias.


Le yáantajo'ob ti' Fish Game Gambling Ocean King 3 Plus Legend of the Phoenix incluír:

1. Buffalo boss
When the Buffalo is successfully hit, the chain will be thrown out to catch it and it will enter the Struggle Mode. During the struggle, every smash caused by the Buffalo will net more points. If the Buffalo is caught it will start a more furious attack and the player will win a higher prize.

2. FénixBoss
When a player catches Phoenix swarms of phoenix will fly across to catch everything on the screen.

3. Sirena ti'-nojchilo'ob.
Captura le sirena je'el u páajtal u invocar waxak olas le sirenas u utia'al atacar tuláakal le kayo'ob ti' le k'áak'náabo'.
Le je'ela' ku ts'aik ti' le oportunidad u multiplicar u victoria.

4. Smash Hammer Crab
Le captura jump'éel cangrejo Smash Hammer derriba jump'éel rayo yéetel ti' le pantalla kíinsik personajes xik'nalo'ob paach.

5. Cangrejo Super Bomba
Chukik jump'éel cangrejo bomba desencadenará le ataque yéetel bomba encadenada ti' jump'éel amplia explosión.
Je'el ts'áaj le aj báaxalo'ob le oportunidad u wáantik chuk.

6. Cangrejo láser
Tech recibirá jump'éel disparo usando jump'éel rayo láser tumen juntúul k'iin limitado.

7. T'aakik u Cangrejo u Perforación
Ka jump'éel cangrejo perforación ruptura le u chu'ukul, ku incendia simulacros, penetrando ti' le kúuchila' yéetel je'el u páajtal u yaantal u oportunidad u chukik le kayo'ob.
Le taladro explota ka' jump'éel k'iin, ka xan je'el ts'áa u oportunidad u chukik le kayo'ob ichil le rango explosión.

8. Cangrejo le ruleta
Golden Roulette le junp'éel báaxal bonificación. Pulse le botón SHOOT utia'al u je'elel le ruleta.
Buka'aj mayor je'el le meyaj ku le ruleta, Buka'aj mayor je'el u puntuación.

Game Description

Báaxal kaaye' Gambling Ocean King 3 Plus Legend of the Phoenix promises hours of intense competition among the players thanks to its seemingly endless power up, incredibly unique characters, and destructive weapons. From Mermaid and Mystic Dragon Power up to Fire Storm boosters, the players will love the hidden rewards in this game. Some of our favorite characters and weapons include:

Blazing Phoenix: Swoops across the screen to provide the owning player with generous bonuses

Fire Dragon Turtle: Spins across the screen to capture fish and offers players with thousands of bonus coins

Pescado vórtice: Creates a powerful vortex in various areas of the screen to destroy any nearby fish

Laser Beam: Shoots a wide, powerful laser across the screen to destroy any fish in its path

Super Bomb: Bounces across the screen creating powerful explosions for maximum point scores

Smash Hammer: Produces a powerful blast that clears any and all characters on the screen


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Fishing Unrcade Game Lista

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Embalaje & Ku ts'áajik
Plazo u k'u'ubul : 1520 k'iin ti' le k'áak'náabo'

Jejeláas k'at chi'ob

Q: Ba'ax je'el in j in leti'ob tablero báaxal yéetel le TAS?
Un: Je'el u béeytal! TAS k'u'ubul áantajo'ob ma'alo'ob. Yéetel Ts'a k u tuukul yéetel je'el u béeytal u acomodar u kajtalo'ob ichil. Yaan yaan xan ya'abach mínimas u pedido asociadas yéetel le opciones ma'alo'ob. Contact us for pricing and time line associated with development of the gambling game.

Q: What is the warranty of your product?
Un: Respaldamos le ma'alobil k yik'áalil yéetel repararemos wa reemplazaremos je'el producto defectuoso debido a u defecto le fabricante. U u ts'áabal u ti' máax ku le bix técnico yéetel k'áat chi'oba' yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob, Béet chéen le meyaj ku serie le producto utia'al u k tsa'ayal confirmar k'áalak maano'. Le tablas báaxal: 12 wi'inal yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob ichil k'áalak maano'.

Q: Can the PCB board failure be repair? How long will it take to get it repaired and the necessary cost?
Un: If it is within the warranty period and the damage is due to non-human factors, then it is still entitled for the warranty benefits. If it is more than the warranty period, we will notify you for the necessary cost for the repair and maintenance as soon as possible. Give us 3-7 working days to have it repair (excluding shipping time).

Q: How can we solve if we cannot successfully install the board and encounter technical issues?
Un: You can refer to the enclosed product manual and wiring instruction upon purchase.We will always provide online assistance if necessary.

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