O'yin Machine loviya xodasiday O'yin qasamki Borden uyasi


XVGA 5 reel-15 liner
Vibrant graphics and animation with full motion video
3 bonus games (steal the treasure, golden egg, and harp snatch)
Double up game (giant coin flip)
Swan scatter (3 or more swans give free games)
36/10 pin harness ready
Direct drive dispenser/printer
Touch screen Capable

Mahsulot batafsil

Mahsulot teglar

O'yin Machine loviya xodasiday O'yin qasamki Borden uyasi

How to play Slot Beanstalk Game
1. Select to bet on 1 line, 3 g'altaklar, 5 g'altaklar, 7 g'altaklar, 9 g'altaklar, 11 g'altaklar, 13 lines or 15lines by pressing the [line] button or [line] image on the screen
2. Press [Play] to increase the bet or press [max Bet]to maximize the bet(touchPanel use only)on the selected lines
3. Press [Start] to spin the reels then press [stop 1]-[ Stop 5]or [All Stop] or waitfor the reels to stop automatically
4. Player wins if three or more same symbols link one another along the left tothe right side on a selected line
5. Press [Take Win] to continue the main game or press [double] to enter thedouble-up game
6. Press [Auto] to turn on or off the auto play mode. However, if the credit pointsare not enough, the auto play mode is disabled. (Touch Panel use only)

Double-Up Game Tossing the Coins
Guess which side of the coin that giant tosses, theRed Sunor theBlue Moon”? If player wins the toss, the winning credits will be doubled.

Enter Bonus Game
There are three options for BOUNS GAME, you may choose any one of the doors to enter different bonus game

Bonus Game 1 Hiding in the stove
Pick up one golden egg, then choose one of the five stoves to hide himself.
Game will continue until he choose the stove with fire and gets burnt.

Bonus Game 2 Copping the treasure
Choose one of the 3 treasure boxes and get different bonus until time is up.

Bonus Game 3 Stealing the magic harp
Open 7 bonus bags one after one until the harp that crying out [Help] is found.
Press [Stop1] to select, and press [Start] to open the bag.


R&D Theffice

Uyasi O'yin ro'yxat

Qadoqlash & yetkazib berish
Yetkazish vaqti : 3 DHL orqali kun

bizning afzalligi
1. Topgame dasturi R&D va Xitoyda ishlab chiqarish
2. Moslashtirilgan yuqori xolding foyda o'yini dasturi
3. Tayyorlangan yuqori sifatli hashamatli o'yin kabinet
4. Bizning kompaniya mahsulotlari noyob rejalashtirish o'ynash, chiroyli rasm, ajoyib ko'rinishi, birinchi sinf protseduralari,ishonchli apparat, barqaror daromad, yangi va o'z vaqtida yangilash

Q: Biz muvaffaqiyatli karta o'rnatish va texnik masalalarni duch mumkin emas, agar biz hal mumkin Qanday?
A: Xarid qilish paytida siz mahsulotni yopish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar va yo'riqnomalarga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. Agar kerak bo'lsa, biz har doim onlayn yordam ko'rsatamiz.

Q: PCB kartasi xatosi ta'mirlash bo'lishi mumkin? Qancha vaqt u ta'mirlandi olish, zarur qiymati bo'ladi?
A: u kafolat muddati davomida va bo'lsa zarar tufayli nodavlat inson omillar hisoblanadi, u hali ham kafolat nafaqalar uchun huquqiga ega. u kafolat muddati ortiq bo'lsa, Biz imkon qadar tezroq ta'mirlash va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish uchun zarur xarajat evaziga sizni xabardor qiladi. bizga bergin 3-7 ish kuni uni ta'mirlash ega bo'lishi (yuk vaqti tashqari).

Q: Mahsulot kafolati?
A: Biz mahsulotlar sifati orqasida va ta'mirlash yoki ishlab chiqaruvchining nuqsoni tufayli buzuq bo'lgan har qanday mahsulotni almashtiradi. kafolat savollar bilan texnik qo'llab-quvvatlash bilan aloqa qachon, Biz xarid qilish sana tasdiqlash mumkin, shuning uchun mahsulot seriya raqami bering.
o'yin platalar: 12-sotib olingan kundan boshlab oy kafolat.

Q: Siz qanday xizmatni taklif qilasiz
A: Sotishdan oldin xizmat: Tekshiruv xizmati. Konsalting xizmati.
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat: Bir yillik asl kafolat, Asl texnik xizmat, Onlayn yoki chet elda texnik yordam.

Q: Qanday qilib buyurtma bergandan keyin o'yin taxtasini olishim mumkin?
A: 3 DHL orqali kun

biz uchun xabar yuborish:
