Streljanje rib Igra Ocean King 3 Plus Crab Avengers


Izboljšana težave, da doseže raven 50

High Profit Fish Shooting Game

Nastavljen kot 2 ~ 10 igralca igre

Visoka kakovost 3D grafika z več rib znakov

Podrobnosti izdelka

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Ribe Shooting Game ocean King 3 Plus Crab Avengers

How to Play Fish Shooting Game Ocean King 3 Plus Crab Avengers

Cilj igre je, da igralci uporabljajo svoje orožje in njegove tri nastavitve - normalno, pospešeno in si prizadeva za cilj - ujeti čim več rib, kot je mogoče v roku igre.

In Fish Shooting Game Ocean King 3 Plus Crab Avengers there are different fishes to catch, vsi, ki so vredni različne vrednosti točke. Igralci povečanje svoje točke rezultate s številom in vrednostjo rib, ki jih zajame v času iger.

Glavni Ocean King Plus: Crab Avengers gameplay is layered with features and mini games. Te so pomembne za uporabo, saj igralcem večjo možnost, da zaslužite več točk in posledično, potencial, da zaslužite več dobitkov.

The features in Fish Shooting Game Ocean King 3 Plus Crab Avengers include:

Power Up

Smash Hammer Crab

Catching a Smash Hammer Crab strele strelja navzdol in čez zaslon ter ubija znake, ki letijo naokoli.

Super Bomb Crab

Ulov bombe rake bo sprožil verižni bombni napad v široki eksploziji.

Igralcem lahko da priložnost, da pomagajo loviti ribe znotraj.

Laser Crab

Z laserskim žarkom boste za en čas dobili en posnetek.

Breaking Drill Crab

Ko ujamejo Breaking Drill Crab, sproži vaje, prodrejo v območje in imajo morda priložnost ujeti ribe.

Sveder čez nekaj časa eksplodira, in vam lahko da tudi priložnost, da ulovite ribe v območju eksplozije.

ruleta Crab

Zlata ruleta je bonus igra. Za zaustavitev rulete pritisnete gumb SHOOT.

Večja je številka rulete, višji je rezultat.








Ribe Shooting Game ocean King 3 Plus Crab Avengers
ocean King 3 plus: Crab Avengers is the latest IGS game in the Ocean King fish hunting series. It is loaded with all-new characters and game features that both first-time and experienced Fish hunters will enjoy.

In Ocean King 3 plus: Crab Avengers, two to ten players can battle it out to catch as many of the 28 fish characters as possible within the game’s timeframe.

ocean King 3 plus: Crab Avengers features include high quality 3D graphics, under the sea themes, more fish characters and improved difficulty that reaches Level 50.


R&D Office

Riba lovec igra Seznam

pakiranje & dostava

Čas dostave : 3 dni preko DHL

Naša prednost
1. More than 15 years experience in game software R&D and manufacturing.
2. We have served for more than 500 game centers in over 150 countries.
3. Customized game program with high holding profit.
4. Our company provide comprehensive, efficient and timely after-sales service to all of our customers to ensure that our customers buy without worries and use without complains.

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