Nsomba Game Table njuga Ocean mfumu 3 More Thanos obwezera


Kukweza movutikira imene imafika mlingo 30

High Profit Fish Game Table Gambling

Kuti kukhazikitsidwa monga 2 ~ 10 player masewera

High Quality 3D Zojambula ndi More Nsomba Ofotokozedwa

mankhwala Mwatsatanetsatane

Tags mankhwala

Fish Gaz Table Gambling Ocean king 3 More Thanos obwezera

How to Play Fish Game Table Gambling Ocean king 3 More Thanos obwezera

Cholinga cha masewerawo ndi osewera kugwiritsa ntchito mfuti zawo ndi zoikamo ake atatu - yachibadwa, inapita patsogolo ndi cholinga chandamale - nsomba ambili mwa nthawi chimango cha masewerawo.

In Fish Game Table Gambling Ocean king 3 Plus Thanos Avengers there are different fishes to catch, zonse zimene ofunika osiyana mfundo makhalidwe. Osewera kuonjezera ambiri awo mfundo ndi nambala kufunika kwa nsomba zimene analanda pamaseŵero.

Mfumu yayikulu ya Ocean Plus: Thanos Avengers gameplay is layered with features and mini games. Izi ndi zofunika ntchito monga akupatsani osewera mwayi apamwamba kupeza mfundo zambiri ndipo iwonso, lingathe kupeza winnings zambiri.

The features in Fish Game Table Gambling Ocean king3 Plus Thanos Avengers include:

Thanos – Bwana

When the Thanos is caught and 2 Thanos attacks will help the player catch as many fish as possible.

Gems CollectionMini Games

When a player collected 6 gems and the gloves attack in a wide explosion.

Golden Chuma & moto Mphepo

Fast Mabomba & laser Nkhanu

mphezi unyolo & roleti Nkhanu

Super bomba Nkhanu & Thunder chinjoka

mmene kanyamaka Nsomba & kubowola Nkhanu









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