
  • Rimja-Ħut Game Oċean King3 Plus Phoenix Avengers

    Shoot The Fish Game Ocean king3 Plus Phoenix Avengers Introductions of fishes Go to system - Aġġustament tas-sistema - livell tal-odds. Il-parametru tal-livell tal-odds jista 'jiġi ssettjat bħala ALTA jew BAXX biex jiġu aġġustati l-odds. Guangzhou Time-Ispazju animazzjoni Teknoloġija Co, ltd. bl-aktar 20 esperjenza ta 'snin li tiffoka fuq ir-riċerka u l-iżvilupp, produzzjoni u bejgħ. Aħna nagħmlu serje tal-Oċean King Fish Game b'żieda għolja u jiksbu aktar profitt. Our products include fish hunter game machine, magna tal-logħob tal-azzard tal-vidjo tal-ħut, kaċċatur tal-ħut magna tal-logħob tal-ażżard, Fish Hunter Arcade Game, Slott Game Machine, Slott Magni tal-Logħob,eċċ. Merħba biex tikkonsulta lilna.
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  • Ħut Tabella Logħob ta 'lażżard Oċean Re 3 Plus Dragon Lady Ta Introduzzjonijiet Teżori Ta Ħut

    We are an excellent manufacturer of fishing machines and fishing games. We have a wealth of business experience to provide satisfactory products and services to our global customers. Our products include fishing machines, fish hunting machines, fish shooting games, hunting and fishing games. Merħba tikkuntattjana. Ħut Tabella Logħob ta 'lażżard Oċean Re 3 Plus Dragon Lady of Treasures Introductions of fishes Go to system - Aġġustament tas-sistema - livell tal-odds. Il-parametru tal-livell tal-odds jista 'jiġi ssettjat bħala ALTA jew BAXX biex jiġu aġġustati l-odds. If you want to know more about fish hunting machine, fish shooting games, fish hunter arcade game, fish shooting gamesetc machine, eċċ, tista 'tikkuntattjana.
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  • Shooting Ħut Game Oċean Re 3 Plus Fury Blackbeard

    We produce fish hunter arcade game, fish shooting game, ocean king fish arcade game, eċċ. Għandna 10 snin esperjenza fil-manifattura. Is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent huwa l-insegwiment tagħna. Shooting Ħut Game Oċean Re 3 Plus Blackbeard's Fury Introductions of fishes Go to system - Aġġustament tas-sistema - livell tal-odds. Il-parametru tal-livell tal-odds jista 'jiġi ssettjat bħala ALTA jew BAXX biex jiġu aġġustati l-odds. If you want to know more about ocean king arcade game, fish hunter arcade game, eċċ., tista 'tikkuntattjana.
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  • Oċean Re 3 Plus : Raging Fire

    We are excellent Chinese manufacturers. We can provide multiple types related products, such as fishing games, Logħob tal-kaċċa tal-ħut, fish table arcade game, magna tal-kaċċa tal-kaċċa tal-ħut, eċċ. If you want to know more about these, welcome to contact us! Oċean Re 3 Plus Raging Fire is a brand new fish shooting games from TAS. Oċean Re 3 Plus Raging Fire is the latest in the Ocean King 3 Plus series and it can be configured for 2~10 players. Arcade Fish Shooting Games boss: Raging Dragon When player catch the Raging Dragon , il-katina se titfa '' l barra biex taqbadha u tidħol fil-Mod ta 'Tifi. Matul it-taqbida, every smash caused by the dragon will net…
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  • Logħob tal-Mejda tal-Ħut: Oċean Re 3 Plus Fury Blackbeard

    We produce fishing game machine, magna tal-logħob tal-isparar tal-ħut, magna tal-arcade kaċċatur tal-ħut, slot machine, Logħob tal-kaċċa tal-ħut, eċċ. Għandna 10 snin esperjenza fil-manifattura. Is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent huwa l-insegwiment tagħna. Logħob tal-Mejda tal-Ħut: Oċean Re 3 Plus Fury Blackbeard: Huwa l-aħħar fl-Oċean King 3 Serje Plus. Oċean Re 3 Plus Blackbeard’s Fury jista 'jiġi kkonfigurat għal 2 ~ 10 plejers u Logħob tal-Logħob tas-Sajd differenti. Blackbeard’s Ghost Ship When a player catches Blackbeard’s Ghost Ship swarms of Ghost Ships will sail across to catch everything on the screen. Poseidon When the Poseidon is caught several waves of Poseidon attacks will help the player catch as many fish as possible. Emperor Crab When a player catches the Emperor…
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  • tmien persuni jilagħbu magna tal-kaċċa tas-sajd bi prezz irħas

    We are a global supplier of fishing game machines. Mit-twaqqif tiegħu, il-kumpanija kienet qed taderixxi mal-kunċett ta 'żvilupp innovattiv u tiffoka fuq il-produzzjoni ta' magni tal-kaċċa tas-sajd. Il-kumpanija ġabret grupp ta 'talenti ta' produzzjoni professjonali ta 'magna tas-sajd b'ħafna snin ta' esperjenza, u huwa impenjat li jipprovdi lill-klijenti bl-aħjar kwalità tal-prodott u wara l-bejgħ. Għandna l-abbiltà li joffru l-kompetenza lill-klijenti u l-imsieħba tagħna, soluzzjonijiet u servizzi f'oqsma multipli. Il-partijiet tal 8 Players Ocean King Fish Game Machine include: 1. Game Kits Stability program PCB main board. għażliet Konnettur disponibbli: VGA, DVI, HDMI. Kontra- bord cheater I / O. decoder intelliġenti 2. Operating system ICT bill acceptor work for US dollars 1-100, other type…
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  • Top slot machine supplier

    Fi 1895, Charlie Fey and Jzplay Com invented the first commercial slot machine. It is made up of three reels inside, a coin-operated slot, and a cast iron that rotates the machine outside. Slot machines soon became the mainstay of bars, casinos and even many retail stores. Many people have great interest in this magical machine that makes people get rich overnight. Soon the machine is generally open. As technology advances, it has evolved into a variety of different models. The slot machine is a kind of machine that gambles with change. It is named because it has a tiger chip. The slot machine has three glass frames with different patterns. After the coin is pulled, the rod will start…
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  • Type of top fishing machine

    We are excellent Chinese manufacturers. Għandna esperjenza rikka ta 'negozju. Aħna nipprovdu prodotti u servizzi sodisfaċenti lill-klijenti tagħna madwar id-dinja. Our products include fish game table gambling machines, fish arcade game , magna tal-logħob tas-sajd, eċċ. Merħba tikkuntattjana. Type of top fishing machine: 1. The oldest mechanical platinum machine The platinum machine is divided into two types, one is a strip type platinum machine, and its switch on and off is controlled by the magnetic field generated by the strip type iron. The other is made of EI or EE iron core, plus a relay made into a switch to control, the latter stage is the direct output of the transformer. 2. Electronic Platinum Machine: Electronic Platinum…
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  • The fishing machine’s features

    The fishing machine is one of the best game consoles on the market. The game uses a four-person machine and a six-person machine for multiple people to play at the same time. Players can play in a variety of modes, and start fishing cannons to win a variety of fish of different varieties and colors in the picture. In the course of the game, in addition to the ordinary fishing scores, there are also a variety of small links such as super weapons, fish arrays, pearl boxes, super prizes, eċċ., to stimulate the player's nerves, allowing players to enjoy more fun and more surprises. The fishing machine’s features: 1. high power, high current, high efficiency and energy saving. 2. no…
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  • Trattament ta 'emerġenza ta' magni tal-kaċċa tas-sajd

    Mill-bidu tax-xahar 2012, Il-consoles tal-logħob tal-animazzjoni jinsabu fi stat ta ’tnaqqis. Ħafna kbar, swali tal-logħob tal-vidjow Anime medji u żgħar ġew milqugħa mill-pulizija, u l-consoles tal-video game tal-animazzjoni ġew ipproċessati b'mod urġenti: 1: Wara li l-magna tal-kaċċa tas-sajd tkun maqsuma, l-ewwel huwa li skonnettja l-qawwa. 2: Iċċekkja jekk il-mainframe tal-magna tal-kaċċa tas-sajd tkun ġiet imħassra; 3: Wara li l-magna tal-kaċċa tas-sajd tkun maqsuma, il-pannell u l-LCD huma ġeneralment maqsuma; Jekk il-bord prinċipali ġie bil-ħsara, ibiddel biss il-pannell u l-LCD. Huwa rrakkomandat li l-klijent jista 'jibgħat stampa ċara lilna. We can confirm the degree…
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