Fish Hunter Аркада оюну Ocean King 3 Посейдон падышалыгы


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High Profit Fish Hunter Arcade Game

2 ~ 10 оюнчу оюну катары конфигурациялаңыз

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Fish Hunter Arcade Game Ocean King 3 Посейдон падышалыгы

How to Play Fish Hunter Arcade Game Ocean King 3 Посейдон падышалыгы

Fish Hunter Аркада оюну Ocean King 3 Plus Poseidon’s Realm is a fishing game that allows up to 10 players to hunt for fish. Players can join in the Fish Hunter Arcade Game Ocean King 3 Plus Poseidon’s Realm fun at any time there is an open player panel. The player controls include a joystick to aim their guns at the various fish on the screen. The “Choose Weapon” button allows the player to choose what kind of weapon to use to catch the fish. The higher the point value will increase the weapons strength allowing the player to catch more fish. There are five different types of Crabs that will either increase the number of fish caught or will give the player bonus points. There are plenty of bonus rounds and features that keep everyone hunting.

Brand New Smash Hammer Weapon
All new characters — the boss Poseidon, the Mystic Dragon, and new Crab Monsters
Compatible with fish tables that are designed for 4, 6, 8, or 10 оюнчу
Өзгөчөлүктөрү Fish Hunter Arcade Game Ocean King 3 Посейдон падышалыгы камтыйт:

Poseidon - Босс

Посейдон колго түшкөндө Посейдон чабуулдарынын бир нече толкуну оюнчуга мүмкүн болушунча көп балык кармоого жардам берет.

Smash Hammer Crab

Smash Hammer Crabди кармоо чагылганды ылдый жана экранга атып, айланада учуп бараткан каармандарды өлтүрөт.

Super Bomb Crab

Бомба Крабын кармоо кеңири жарылууда чынжырланган бомба чабуулун козгойт.

Бул оюнчуларга балык кармоого жардам берүү мүмкүнчүлүгүн бериши мүмкүн.

Лазердик краб

Сиз чектелген убакытка лазер нурун колдонуу менен бир ок аласыз.

Breaking Drill Crab

Breaking Drill Crab кармалганда, ал машыгууларды жасайт, аймакка кирип, балык кармоо мүмкүнчүлүгүнө ээ болушу мүмкүн.

Бургу бир аздан кийин жарылып кетет, ошондой эле жарылуу диапазонунда балык кармоого мүмкүнчүлүк берет.

Рулетка краб

Golden Roulette бонустук оюн. Сиз рулетканы токтотуу үчүн SHOOT баскычын басыңыз.

Рулетка саны чоңураак, жогору балл.

Game description
Almighty Octopus – The Almighty Octopus is a vengeful sea creature. Its enormous tentacles will reach across the entire screen and catch each fish in its hideous clutches.
Ancient Crocodile – Catch the Ancient Crocodile and you’ll be witness to a massive croc swimming across the screen. This huge crocodile will swallow up an ample number of fish and other sea creatures, which means you’ll collect an equally ample number of points.
Darkness Monster – Darkness Monsters, when caught, will attack every fish and sea creature from the screen’s center. Keep in mind the Darkness Monster will attack multiple times.
Emperor Crab – If a player is skilled enough to catch the Emperor Crab, every fish on the screen will be blitzed by numerous Emperor Crabs which enclose upon them as they circle the screen. It’s a sight to behold.
Fire Dragon – One of Ocean King 3 Plus Poseidon’s Realm’s best new features is the Fire Dragon, which slinks across the screen every now and then during gameplay. If a player catches the Fire Dragon, it trips a series of intense explosions, which captures every single fish on the screen.
Poseidon – the main boss, the big baddy, the villain of villains. Poseidon himself can be caught in this fish hunter game. Once that occurs, expect a few waves of attacks from the main man. Whoever was lucky enough to take Poseidon down will reap the benefits of Poseidon helping them catch a healthy number of fish.


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