ውቅያኖስ ንጉሥ ቁማር ዓሳ ጨዋታ 3 የ ፎኒክስ መካከል ፕላስ መፍቻ


ደረጃ ከደረሰ ይህ የተሻሻለ ችግር 50

High Profit Fish Game Gambling

የ 2 ~ 10 ተጫዋች ጨዋታ ሆኖ መዋቀር

ተጨማሪ ዓሣ ቁምፊዎች ጋር ከፍተኛ ጥራት 3-ል ግራፊክስ

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች

Fish Game Gambling የውቅያኖስ ንጉሥ 3 የ ፎኒክስ መካከል ፕላስ መፍቻ

How to Play Fish Game Gambling የውቅያኖስ ንጉሥ 3 የ ፎኒክስ መካከል ፕላስ መፍቻ

ተጫዋቾች ጠመንጃ እና ሶስት ቅንብሮችን ለመጠቀም ለ የጨዋታውን ዓላማ ነው - መደበኛ, የተፋጠነ እና ወደ ዒላማው ማዳበሩ - የጨዋታውን የጊዜ ገደብ ውስጥ በተቻለ መጠን ብዙ ዓሣ ለመያዝ.

In Fish Game Gambling Ocean King 3 Plus Legend of the Phoenix there are different fishes to catch, ይህም ሁሉ ዋጋ የተለያዩ ነጥብ እሴቶች ናቸው. ተጫዋቾች እነዚህ ጨዋታዎች ወቅት ይያዙት ዓሣ ብዛት እና ዋጋ ያላቸውን ነጥብ ውጤቶች ለማሳደግ.

The main Ocean King Plus: Legend of the Phoenix gameplay is layered with features and mini games. እነርሱ ተጫዋቾች ተጨማሪ ነጥቦች በተራቸው ለማግኘት ከፍተኛ እድል መስጠት እንደ እነዚህ መጠቀም አስፈላጊ ናቸው, እምቅ ተጨማሪ የዕድል ለማግኘት.

ዋና መለያ ጸባያት

The features in Fish Game Gambling Ocean King 3 Plus Legend of the Phoenix include:

Phoenix – ቩም

When a player catches Phoenix swarms of phoenix will fly across to catch everything on the screen.

Mermaid – Boss

Catching the Mermaid can summon eight waves of the Mermaids to attack all the fish in the sea.

This gives you a chance to multiply your win.

Smash Hammer Crab

Catching a Smash Hammer Crab shoots lightning down and across the screen killing characters flying around.

ሱፐር ቦምብ የክራብ

Catching a Bomb Crab will trigger the chained bomb attack in a wide explosion.

It may give players a chance to help catch fish within.

በጨረር የክራብ

You will get one shot using a laser beam for a limited time.

Breaking Drill Crab

When a Breaking Drill Crab is caught it fires drills, penetrating the area and may have a chance to catch the fish.

The drill explodes after a while, and may also give you a chance to catch the fish within the explosion range.

ሩሌት የክራብ

Golden Roulette is a bonus game. You press the SHOOT button to stop the roulette.

The bigger the roulette number, the higher the score.

Game Description
ውቅያኖስ ንጉሥ ቁማር ዓሳ ጨዋታ 3 Plus Legend of the Phoenix promises hours of intense competition among the players thanks to its seemingly endless power up, incredibly unique characters, and destructive weapons. From Mermaid and Mystic Dragon Power up to Fire Storm boosters, the players will love the hidden rewards in this game. Some of our favorite characters and weapons include:
Blazing Phoenix: Swoops across the screen to provide the owning player with generous bonuses
Fire Dragon Turtle: Spins across the screen to capture fish and offers players with thousands of bonus coins
ሽክርክሪት ዓሳ: Creates a powerful vortex in various areas of the screen to destroy any nearby fish
Laser Beam: Shoots a wide, powerful laser across the screen to destroy any fish in its path
Super Bomb: Bounces across the screen creating powerful explosions for maximum point scores
Smash Hammer: Produces a powerful blast that clears any and all characters on the screen


R&D ffice

የዓሳ አዳኝ ጨዋታ ዝርዝር

ማሠሪያ ጉዝጓዝ & ርክክብ

የማስረከቢያ ቀን ገደብ : 3 DHL በኩል ቀናት

የእኛ Advantage
1. Top game software R&ዲ እና manufacturingin ቻይና
2. Customized high holding profitgame software
3. ብጁ ከፍተኛ ጥራት የቅንጦት ጨዋታ ካቢኔት
4. የእኛ ኩባንያ ምርቶች ልዩ እቅድ ይጫወታሉ, የሚያምር ምስል, በብሩህ ገጽታ, የመጀመሪያው-ክፍል ሂደቶች, አስተማማኝ ሃርድዌር, የተረጋጋ ገቢ, አዳዲስ እና ወቅታዊ ዝማኔ

ለእኛ የእርስዎን መልዕክት ይላኩ:

አጣሪ አሁን
አጣሪ አሁን